Gourd Life in Springtime 2018

Springtime is a gourd time.  Not only do gourd farmers, like my 17 year old son, start plotting gourd sites, picking out gourd seeds and raising trellises, but it is the time to start collecting last year’s harvest from the fields.  Through winter’s snow, sleet and freezing rain, these stoic vegetables remain strong (or at least most of them do!), and then, the great Springtime gourd reveal begins.  Who made it?  Who didn’t?  Sometimes only a good scrub will decide.  


Springtime is also 2018 show planning time.  Shows are not just about selling my work, but about seeing a new town, experiencing new communities, and meeting new people (okay, and eating at new restaurants).


Has anyone heard of Forty Fort, PA?  Did you know that the Forty Fort Meeting House is the only New England-style meeting house ever constructed in Pennsylvania?   This year, I am excited to say, I am doing an outdoor market called 900 Marketplace in Forty Fort, PA.  With a fun name and a town rich in US history, I am kind of excited!  April 29Sunday 10-4PM  900 Marketplace Art, Craft, & Vintage Market 900 Rutter Ave. Forty Fort, PA



Flowers aren’t the only thing popping up this spring… the growth of Pop Up Sales popularity is sweeping the Hudson Valley!  According to Wikipedia, Pop-up retail allows companies to create a unique environment that engages customers and generates a feeling of relevance and interactivity.” So, if you need a good dose of relevance and interactivity, join this talented group of Etsy Makers on  May 12 (Saturday 1-8 PM) at the Howland Cultural Center in Beacon, NY.  I can guarantee there are many fantastic restaurants… also, check out this Beacon Blog  www.alittlebeaconblog.com



This year I will be getting many of flower and veggie plants at the Lasdon Park Arboretum in Katonah, NY on May 19-20.  This is my first time doing this show, but I can guarantee I’m bringing my good camera.    Not only will they be offering a huge selection of annuals, plants, shrubs and trees, but it is held on the beautiful grounds of the Lasdon Mansion.  This little quote on their history page gave me goosebumps: “The Famous and Historic Tree Trail features trees and other species that honor historic events and famous Americans, such as Martin Luther King, Jr., and John F. Kennedy, from our country’s past. Each station features a panel describing the famous person or event to which the original parent tree was witness.” 


Stay tuned for information on the Tri State Cat Show in July! 

Have a wonderful Spring everyone!  Hope I get to see you!

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